Lower secondary school (Sekundarstufe I) is a decisively critical bridge between elementary school and either the general educational or vocational higher secondary domain (Sekundarschulbereich II) or direct entry into the labor market. Despite its great significance, the lack of appropriate data—and particularly longitudinal data—makes it impossible to give unequivocal and final answers to important questions.
For example, to what extent do the competencies of students correspond to the type of school selected or recommended, and how do their competencies develop as a function of the type of school they attend? Moreover, there is a continued lack of sufficient individual data on issues such as how often children transfer from one type of school to another and what determines these transfers, or how having to repeat a school year impacts on educational careers and success. The same applies to a crucial set of questions addressing lower-secondary school-leaving qualifications and the transition to higher secondary school.
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