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<p><a title="" href="" data-mce-href=""><strong><span id="orcid-id" class="orcid-id-https"></span></strong></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p><span class="exampleContent">Kleinert, C., Leuze, K., Bächmann, A.-C., Gatermann, D., Hägglund, A. E., &amp; Rompczyk, K. (2023). Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market. In S. Weinert, G. J. Blossfeld, &amp; H.-P. Blossfeld (Eds.),<em> Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)</em> (1st ed., pp.&nbsp;295–317). Cham: Springer International Publishing; Imprint Springer. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a></span><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p><span class="exampleContent"><br data-mce-bogus="1"></span></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Gebel, M. (Hg.) (2023): The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on social inequalities. Special Issue. <em>Soziale Welt </em>74 (1). Baden-Baden: Nomos.&nbsp;<a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href="">; </a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Gebel, M. (2023): Editorial: Consequences of the Corona crisis for socialinequalities in Germany. In: C. Kleinert und M. Gebel (Hg.): The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on social inequalities. Special Issue. <em>Soziale Welt</em> 74 (1), 3–13. Baden-Baden: Nomos. <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Zoch, G. (2023): Polarisierung oder Verringerung ungleicher Teilnahmechancen? Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf das berufliche Lernen im Erwachsenenalter. <em>Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft</em>, Advance online publication. <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href=""></a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Schindler, S.; Bar-Haim, E.; Barone, C.; Fels Birkelund, J.; Boliver, V.; Capsada-Munsech, Q. et al. (2023): Educational tracking and social inequalities in long-term labor market outcomes: Six countries in comparison. <em>International Journal of Comparative Sociology</em>, Advance online publication.<a> </a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Dutz, G.; Kleinert, C. (2023): Welche Rolle spielt Literalität für den Bildungserwerb? Analysen zur Beteiligung an non-formaler Weiterbildung. In: Grotlüschen, A., Buddeberg, K., Solga, H. (Eds): <em>Interdisziplinäre Analysen zur LEO - Studie 2018 – Leben mit geringer Literalität</em>. (pp. 267–299). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (Edition ZfE, vol 14),&nbsp; <a href="" data-mce-href="">; </a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Ghirardi, G., Baier, T., Kleinert, C., &amp; Triventi, M. (2022). Is early formal childcare an equalizer? How attending childcare and education centres affects children’s cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Germany. <em>European Sociological Review.</em> Advance online publication. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Schels, B., Kleinert, C., Fischer-Browne, M., &amp; Ahrens, L. (2022). Compromises between Occupational Aspirations and VET Occupations - a Contribution to the Reproduction of Social Inequalities? <em>Zeitschrift für Soziologie</em>, <em>51</em>(2), 154–173. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Steinberg, H. S., &amp; Kleinert, C. (2022). Timing of early childcare take‐up in Germany: An application of rational choice theory. <em>Journal of Marriage and Family</em>, <em>84</em>(3), 840–859. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p><br></p><p>Bächmann, A.-C., Gatermann, D., Kleinert, C., &amp; Leuze, K. (2022). Why do some occupations offer more part-time work than others? Reciprocal dynamics in occupational gender segregation and occupational part-time work in West Germany, 1976–2010. <em>Social Science Research</em>, <em>104</em>, (Article102685). <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Zoch, G., Vicari, B., &amp; Ehlert, M. (2021). Work-related online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. <em>Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung,&nbsp;</em>44(3), 197-214. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Bächmann, A.-C., Kleinert, C., &amp; Leuze, K. (2021, November 6). <em>Understanding the gender pay gap between and within occupations in Germany: What role do individual job tasks play?</em> SocArXiv. Preprint. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Ahrens, L., Fischer, M., Kleinert, C., &amp; Schels, B. (2021): <em>Not all wishes come true: the occupational compromises youths accept when entering vocational training</em>. (IAB-Forum, 15th of October 2021). Nürnberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Christoph, B., &amp; Ruland, M. (2021). Experimental Evidence on Immediate and Long-term Consequences of Test-induced Respondent Burden for Panel Attrition. <em>Sociological Methods &amp; Research</em>, 50(4), 1552–1583. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Martin, S., Lechner, C., Kleinert, C., &amp; Rammstedt, B. (2021). Literacy skills predict probability of refusal in follow-up wave: Evidence from two longitudinal assessment surveys. <em>International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24</em>(4), 413-428. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Traini, C., Kleinert, C., &amp; Bittmann, F. (2021). How does exposure to a different school track influence learning progress? Explaining scissor effects by track in Germany. <em>Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,</em> 76, 100625. <a href=" " data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Vicari, B., Zoch, G., &amp; Ehlert, M. (2021). <em>Wer bildet sich in Pandemiezeiten beruflich weiter? Veränderungen in der Nutzung digitaler Lernangebote während der Corona-Krise.</em> (NEPS Corona &amp; Bildung No. 7). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg.&nbsp;<a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a><br></p><p><br></p><p>Ahrens, L., Fischer, M., Kleinert, C., &amp; Schels, B. (2021). Compromises in Occupational Choice and Stability of Vocational Education and Training. In C. Nägele, B.E. Stalder, M. Weich (Eds.), <em>Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training.</em> (pp. 24-31). Muttenz, Bern online, 8. - 9. April 2021. European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Ehlert, M., Kleinert, C., Vicari, B., &amp; Zoch, G. (2021). <em>Digitales selbstgesteuertes Lernen Erwerbstätiger in der Corona-Krise - Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorte 6</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 94). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href=" " data-mce-href="">;</a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Schindler, S., Bar-Haim, E., Barone, C., Birkelund, J-F., Boliver, V., Capsada-Munsech, Q. et al. (2021). <em>Educational tracking and long-term outcomes by social origin: Seven countries in comparison.</em> (DIAL Working Paper 02/2021). <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><div class="ng-binding"><p class="reference">Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., Schulz, B., Vicari, B., &amp; Ehlert, M. (2021). <em>Für wen brachte Corona einen Digitalisierungsschub? Veränderungen in der Nutzung digitaler Technologien während der COVID-19-Pandemie</em> (NEPS Corona &amp; Bildung No. 6). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg.&nbsp;<a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p class="reference">&nbsp;<br></p><p class="reference">Hondralis, I., &amp; Kleinert, C. (2021). Do children influence their mothers’ decisions? Early child development and maternal employment entries after birth.<em> Advances in Life Course Research,</em> 47, 100378<a class="link" title="" href="" target="_blank" data-mce-href="">.;</a> <br></p></div><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Ahrens, L., Kleinert, C., Fischer, M., &amp; Schels, B. (2021). <em>Nicht alle Wünsche werden wahr: Welche Kompromisse Jugendliche beim Ausbildungsberuf eingehen</em>. (IAB-Forum, 3. Februar 2021). Nürnberg.<a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Traini, C., Kleinert, C., &amp; Schindler, S. (2021). Does tracking really affect labour-market outcomes in the long run? Estimating the long-term effects of secondary-school tracking in West Germany. <em>Longitudinal and Life Course Studies,</em> 12(3), <span class="pagesNum">389-422</span>. <a href="" target="external" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., &amp; Zoch, G. (2020). <em>Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6. Erwerbsleben in der Corona-Krise: Welche Rolle spielen Bildungsunterschiede? </em>(NEPS Corona &amp; Bildung, Bericht Nr.&nbsp;2). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., &amp; Zoch, G. (2020). <em>Schützt Bildung vor Erwerbsrisiken in der Corona-Krise? Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 89). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p><br></p><p>Kleinert, C., &amp; Schels, B. (2020). Zurück zur Norm? Kompromissbildung zwischen geschlechtstypischen und -untypischen Berufsaspirationen, Bewerbungs- und Ausbildungsberufen. <em>Kölner Zeischrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie,</em> (72)<strong>, </strong>229–260. <span class="c-bibliographic-information__value"><a href="" data-track="click" data-track-action="view doi" data-track-label="link" data-mce-href="">;</a></span> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kleinert, C., &amp; Jacob, M. (2019). Vocational education and training in comparative perspective. In R. Becker (Ed.), <em>Research handbook on the sociology of education</em> (pp.&nbsp;284–308). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Kratz, F., Patzina, A., Kleinert, C., &amp; Dietrich, H. (2019). Vocational Education and Employment:&nbsp;Explaining Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns. <em>Social Inclusion</em>, 7(3), 224–253.<a href=" " data-mce-href="">;</a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Artelt, C., Bug, M., Kleinert, C., Maaz, K., &amp; Runge, T. (2019). Nutzungspotenziale amtlicher Statistik in der Bildungsforschung: Ein Überblick zu Erreichtem, möglichen Chancen und anstehenden Herausforderungen.<em> DDS - Die Deutsche Schule Beiheft,</em> 14, 21–37. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Henninges, M., Traini, C., &amp; Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System: Literature review and analyses of the birth cohorts 1970-1980</em> (DIAL Working Paper 14/2019). <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Henninges, M., Traini, C., &amp; Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 83). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href="../../Portals/13/LIfBi%20Working%20Papers/WP_LXXXIII.pdf"></a><br></p><p><br></p><p>Allmendinger, J., Kleinert, C., Pollak, R., Vicari, B., Wölfel, O., Althaber, A., Antoni, M., Christoph, B., Drasch, K., Janik, F., Künster, R., Laible, M.-C., Leuze, K., Matthes, B., Ruland, M., Schulz, B., &amp; Trahms, A. (2019). Adult education and lifelong learning. In H.-P. Blossfeld &amp; H.-G. Roßbach (Eds.), <em>Education as a lifelong process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)</em>. (2nd ed., pp.&nbsp;325–346). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. <a href="" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp; <br></p><p>Florean, D., Hofmann, J., &amp; Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Longitudinal class identifiers for NEPS Starting Cohort 3: Generation Process and application Examples</em> (NEPS Survey Paper No. 52). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" data-mce-href="">;</a> <br></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>Effects of the Corona pandemic on job-related learning in adult life, funded by the German Research Foundation (2021-2023)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Finding Compromises and its Consequences - Path Dependencies between Occupational Choices, Educational Decisions and Educational Transitions (Transitions), funded by the German Research Foundation (November 2018 - April 2022), (together with Brigitte Schels, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)<br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Life-Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking (LIFETRACK), funded by the German Research Foundation/Norface-DIAL (2018 – 2021), (together with Steffen Schindler (PI), University of Bamberg) Carlo Barone, Institut&nbsp;d’études politiques de Paris, Vikki Boliver Durham University, Jani Erola, University of Turku, Kristian B. Karlson, University of Kopenhagen, David Reimer, Aarhus University)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Returns to Education Over The Life Course: Well-Being, Social Capital and Participation in Adult Age (BiLev), funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, (2016 - 2019), (together with Beatrice Rammstedt, GESIS), <br></p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Wage inequalities between women and men in Germany – How relevant are occupational sex segregation, gender-typical job tasks and occupational closure for understanding the gender pay gap?, funded by the German Research Foundation, (2015 – 2018), (together with Kathrin Leuze, University of Hannover),</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-) Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market, funded by the German Research Foundation, (2012 – 2015), (together with Kathrin Leuze, University of Hannover)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), NEPS Stage 8 – Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, (2009 – 2013)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>New Gender Disparities at Labor Market Integration? Comparing the Transition from School to Work of Young Men and Women below Tertiary Level, funded by the Jacobs-Foundation, (2007 – 2009), (together with Marita Jacob, University of Mannheim)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Women in Innovation, Science and Technology (WIST), funded by the 6th EU Research Framework Programme, (2006 – 2008), together with Stefan Fuchs, Juliane Achatz, IAB, Henry Etzkowitz (PI), Liana Ranga, Universiy of Newcastle, Großbritain, Vehviläinen, Marja, University Tampere, Finnland)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p><p>Die IAB-Führungskräftestudie. Zur Beteiligung von Frauen an und zur Situation von Frauen in Führungspositionen, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, (2004 – 2005), (together with Susanne Kohaut, IAB)</p><p>&nbsp;<br></p>