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Prof. Dr.  Corinna  Kleinert

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Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe
Wilhelmsplatz   3
96047  Bamberg
Telefon: +49 951 700 60 020

Ausgewählte Publikationen

<p><a title="" href="" data-mce-href=""><strong><span id="orcid-id" class="orcid-id-https"></span></strong></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p><span class="exampleContent">Kleinert, C., Leuze, K., Bächmann, A.-C., Gatermann, D., Hägglund, A. E., & Rompczyk, K. (2023). Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-)Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market. In S. Weinert, G. J. Blossfeld, & H.-P. Blossfeld (Eds.),<em> Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)</em> (1st ed., pp. 295–317). Cham: Springer International Publishing; Imprint Springer. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a></span><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p><span class="exampleContent"><br data-mce-bogus="1"></span></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Gebel, M. (Hg.) (2023): The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on social inequalities. Special Issue. <em>Soziale Welt </em>74 (1). Baden-Baden: Nomos. <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href="">  </a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Gebel, M. (2023): Editorial: Consequences of the Corona crisis for socialinequalities in Germany. In: C. Kleinert und M. Gebel (Hg.): The Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on social inequalities. Special Issue. <em>Soziale Welt</em> 74 (1), 3–13. Baden-Baden: Nomos. <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C.; Zoch, G. (2023): Polarisierung oder Verringerung ungleicher Teilnahmechancen? Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf das berufliche Lernen im Erwachsenenalter. <em>Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft</em>, Advance online publication. <a href="" data-cke-saved-href="" data-mce-href=""></a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Schindler, S.; Bar-Haim, E.; Barone, C.; Fels Birkelund, J.; Boliver, V.; Capsada-Munsech, Q. et al. (2023): Educational tracking and social inequalities in long-term labor market outcomes: Six countries in comparison. <em>International Journal of Comparative Sociology</em>, Advance online publication.<a> </a><br></p><p> <br></p><p>Dutz, G.; Kleinert, C. (2023): Welche Rolle spielt Literalität für den Bildungserwerb? Analysen zur Beteiligung an non-formaler Weiterbildung. In: Grotlüschen, A., Buddeberg, K., Solga, H. (Eds): <em>Interdisziplinäre Analysen zur LEO - Studie 2018 – Leben mit geringer Literalität</em>. (pp. 267–299). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (Edition ZfE, vol 14),  <a href="" data-mce-href="">  </a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p> <br></p><p>Ghirardi, G., Baier, T., Kleinert, C., & Triventi, M. (2022). Is early formal childcare an equalizer? How attending childcare and education centres affects children’s cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Germany. <em>European Sociological Review.</em> Advance online publication. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p> <br></p><p>Schels, B., Kleinert, C., Fischer-Browne, M., & Ahrens, L. (2022). Compromises between Occupational Aspirations and VET Occupations - a Contribution to the Reproduction of Social Inequalities? <em>Zeitschrift für Soziologie</em>, <em>51</em>(2), 154–173. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Steinberg, H. S., & Kleinert, C. (2022). Timing of early childcare take‐up in Germany: An application of rational choice theory. <em>Journal of Marriage and Family</em>, <em>84</em>(3), 840–859. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p><br></p><p>Bächmann, A.-C., Gatermann, D., Kleinert, C., & Leuze, K. (2022). Why do some occupations offer more part-time work than others? Reciprocal dynamics in occupational gender segregation and occupational part-time work in West Germany, 1976–2010. <em>Social Science Research</em>, <em>104</em>, (Article102685). <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Zoch, G., Vicari, B., & Ehlert, M. (2021). Work-related online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. <em>Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung, </em>44(3), 197-214. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Bächmann, A.-C., Kleinert, C., & Leuze, K. (2021, November 6). <em>Understanding the gender pay gap between and within occupations in Germany: What role do individual job tasks play?</em> SocArXiv. Preprint. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> </p><p>Ahrens, L., Fischer, M., Kleinert, C., & Schels, B. (2021): <em>Not all wishes come true: the occupational compromises youths accept when entering vocational training</em>. (IAB-Forum, 15th of October 2021). Nürnberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Christoph, B., & Ruland, M. (2021). Experimental Evidence on Immediate and Long-term Consequences of Test-induced Respondent Burden for Panel Attrition. <em>Sociological Methods & Research</em>, 50(4), 1552–1583. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Martin, S., Lechner, C., Kleinert, C., & Rammstedt, B. (2021). Literacy skills predict probability of refusal in follow-up wave: Evidence from two longitudinal assessment surveys. <em>International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24</em>(4), 413-428. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Traini, C., Kleinert, C., & Bittmann, F. (2021). How does exposure to a different school track influence learning progress? Explaining scissor effects by track in Germany. <em>Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,</em> 76, 100625. <a href=" " data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Vicari, B., Zoch, G., & Ehlert, M. (2021). <em>Wer bildet sich in Pandemiezeiten beruflich weiter? Veränderungen in der Nutzung digitaler Lernangebote während der Corona-Krise.</em> (NEPS Corona & Bildung No. 7). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a><br></p><p><br></p><p>Ahrens, L., Fischer, M., Kleinert, C., & Schels, B. (2021). Compromises in Occupational Choice and Stability of Vocational Education and Training. In C. Nägele, B.E. Stalder, M. Weich (Eds.), <em>Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning. Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training.</em> (pp. 24-31). Muttenz, Bern online, 8. - 9. April 2021. European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a><br></p><p> <br></p><p>Ehlert, M., Kleinert, C., Vicari, B., & Zoch, G. (2021). <em>Digitales selbstgesteuertes Lernen Erwerbstätiger in der Corona-Krise - Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorte 6</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 94). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href=" " data-mce-href=""> </a><br></p><p> <br></p><p>Schindler, S., Bar-Haim, E., Barone, C., Birkelund, J-F., Boliver, V., Capsada-Munsech, Q. et al. (2021). <em>Educational tracking and long-term outcomes by social origin: Seven countries in comparison.</em> (DIAL Working Paper 02/2021). <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br></p><p> <br></p><div class="ng-binding"><p class="reference">Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., Schulz, B., Vicari, B., & Ehlert, M. (2021). <em>Für wen brachte Corona einen Digitalisierungsschub? Veränderungen in der Nutzung digitaler Technologien während der COVID-19-Pandemie</em> (NEPS Corona & Bildung No. 6). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p class="reference"> <br></p><p class="reference">Hondralis, I., & Kleinert, C. (2021). Do children influence their mothers’ decisions? Early child development and maternal employment entries after birth.<em> Advances in Life Course Research,</em> 47, 100378<a class="link" title="" href="" target="_blank" data-mce-href="">. </a> <br></p></div><p> <br></p><p>Ahrens, L., Kleinert, C., Fischer, M., & Schels, B. (2021). <em>Nicht alle Wünsche werden wahr: Welche Kompromisse Jugendliche beim Ausbildungsberuf eingehen</em>. (IAB-Forum, 3. Februar 2021). Nürnberg.<a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p> <br></p><p>Traini, C., Kleinert, C., & Schindler, S. (2021). Does tracking really affect labour-market outcomes in the long run? Estimating the long-term effects of secondary-school tracking in West Germany. <em>Longitudinal and Life Course Studies,</em> 12(3), <span class="pagesNum">389-422</span>. <a href="" target="external" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., & Zoch, G. (2020). <em>Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6. Erwerbsleben in der Corona-Krise: Welche Rolle spielen Bildungsunterschiede? </em>(NEPS Corona & Bildung, Bericht Nr. 2). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C., & Zoch, G. (2020). <em>Schützt Bildung vor Erwerbsrisiken in der Corona-Krise? Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 89). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p><br></p><p>Kleinert, C., & Schels, B. (2020). Zurück zur Norm? Kompromissbildung zwischen geschlechtstypischen und -untypischen Berufsaspirationen, Bewerbungs- und Ausbildungsberufen. <em>Kölner Zeischrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie,</em> (72)<strong>, </strong>229–260. <span class="c-bibliographic-information__value"><a href="" data-track="click" data-track-action="view doi" data-track-label="link" data-mce-href=""> </a></span> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kleinert, C., & Jacob, M. (2019). Vocational education and training in comparative perspective. In R. Becker (Ed.), <em>Research handbook on the sociology of education</em> (pp. 284–308). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Kratz, F., Patzina, A., Kleinert, C., & Dietrich, H. (2019). Vocational Education and Employment: Explaining Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns. <em>Social Inclusion</em>, 7(3), 224–253.<a href=" " data-mce-href=""> </a><br></p><p> <br></p><p>Artelt, C., Bug, M., Kleinert, C., Maaz, K., & Runge, T. (2019). Nutzungspotenziale amtlicher Statistik in der Bildungsforschung: Ein Überblick zu Erreichtem, möglichen Chancen und anstehenden Herausforderungen.<em> DDS - Die Deutsche Schule Beiheft,</em> 14, 21–37. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Henninges, M., Traini, C., & Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System: Literature review and analyses of the birth cohorts 1970-1980</em> (DIAL Working Paper 14/2019). <a href="" data-mce-href=""></a><br></p><p> <br></p><p>Henninges, M., Traini, C., & Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Tracking and Sorting in the German Educational System</em> (LIfBi Working Paper No. 83). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg. <a href="" data-mce-href="../../Portals/13/LIfBi%20Working%20Papers/WP_LXXXIII.pdf"></a><br></p><p><br></p><p>Allmendinger, J., Kleinert, C., Pollak, R., Vicari, B., Wölfel, O., Althaber, A., Antoni, M., Christoph, B., Drasch, K., Janik, F., Künster, R., Laible, M.-C., Leuze, K., Matthes, B., Ruland, M., Schulz, B., & Trahms, A. (2019). Adult education and lifelong learning. In H.-P. Blossfeld & H.-G. Roßbach (Eds.), <em>Education as a lifelong process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)</em>. (2nd ed., pp. 325–346). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. <a href="" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p>  <br></p><p>Florean, D., Hofmann, J., & Kleinert, C. (2019). <em>Longitudinal class identifiers for NEPS Starting Cohort 3: Generation Process and application Examples</em> (NEPS Survey Paper No. 52). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" data-mce-href=""> </a> <br></p><p> </p>


<p>Effects of the Corona pandemic on job-related learning in adult life, funded by the German Research Foundation (2021-2023)</p><p> <br></p><p>Finding Compromises and its Consequences - Path Dependencies between Occupational Choices, Educational Decisions and Educational Transitions (Transitions), funded by the German Research Foundation (November 2018 - April 2022), (together with Brigitte Schels, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg)<br></p><p> <br></p><p>Life-Course Dynamics of Educational Tracking (LIFETRACK), funded by the German Research Foundation/Norface-DIAL (2018 – 2021), (together with Steffen Schindler (PI), University of Bamberg) Carlo Barone, Institut d’études politiques de Paris, Vikki Boliver Durham University, Jani Erola, University of Turku, Kristian B. Karlson, University of Kopenhagen, David Reimer, Aarhus University)</p><p> <br></p><p>Returns to Education Over The Life Course: Well-Being, Social Capital and Participation in Adult Age (BiLev), funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, (2016 - 2019), (together with Beatrice Rammstedt, GESIS), <br></p><p> <br></p><p>Wage inequalities between women and men in Germany – How relevant are occupational sex segregation, gender-typical job tasks and occupational closure for understanding the gender pay gap?, funded by the German Research Foundation, (2015 – 2018), (together with Kathrin Leuze, University of Hannover),</p><p> <br></p><p>Occupational Sex Segregation and its Consequences for the (Re-) Production of Gender Inequalities in the German Labour Market, funded by the German Research Foundation, (2012 – 2015), (together with Kathrin Leuze, University of Hannover)</p><p> <br></p><p>National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), NEPS Stage 8 – Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, (2009 – 2013)</p><p> <br></p><p>New Gender Disparities at Labor Market Integration? Comparing the Transition from School to Work of Young Men and Women below Tertiary Level, funded by the Jacobs-Foundation, (2007 – 2009), (together with Marita Jacob, University of Mannheim)</p><p> <br></p><p>Women in Innovation, Science and Technology (WIST), funded by the 6th EU Research Framework Programme, (2006 – 2008), together with Stefan Fuchs, Juliane Achatz, IAB, Henry Etzkowitz (PI), Liana Ranga, Universiy of Newcastle, Großbritain, Vehviläinen, Marja, University Tampere, Finnland)</p><p> <br></p><p>Die IAB-Führungskräftestudie. Zur Beteiligung von Frauen an und zur Situation von Frauen in Führungspositionen, funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, (2004 – 2005), (together with Susanne Kohaut, IAB)</p><p> <br></p>

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