Selected Publications
<p>Thums, K., Gnambs, T., &amp; Wolter, I. (2020). The impact of gender-stereotypical text contents on reading competence in women and men. <em>Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft,</em> <em>23(6), 1283-1301. </em> <br></p><p>Thums, K., Artelt, C., &amp; Wolter, I. (2020). Reading for entertainment or information reception? Gender differences in reading preferences and their impact on text-type-specific reading competences in adult readers. <em>European Journal of Psychology of Education. </em>Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10212-020-00486-1</p>
Selected Presentations
<p><strong>Thums, K., </strong>Schwabe, F., Artelt, C. &amp; Wolter, I. (2019, Juli). <em>When do gender differences in reading competence diminish? A longitudinal study of reading competence of women and men from adolescence to young adulthood.</em> Paper Presentation at the 29<sup>th</sup> annual meeting of the Society for Text &amp; Discourse, New York, United States.</p><p><strong>Thums, K. </strong>&amp; Wolter, I. (2018, September). <em>Do women read faster? An analysis of process data to examine gender differences in the initial reading times of texts in a reading competence assessment. </em>Posterbeitrag auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt am Main.</p>