Selected Publications
<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="section"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.</strong>, &amp; Lidia Panico.&nbsp;(In press). Many Kinds of Poverty: The Effects of Three Dimensions of Economic Hardship on Children’s Development.&nbsp;<em>Demography.</em></div><div class="column">Gassman-Pines, A.,&nbsp;&amp; <strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.</strong>, (2019). Daily Food Insufficiency and Worry Among Economically Disadvantaged Families with Young Children.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Marriage and Family</em>. Advanced online publication<br></div><p><strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.</strong>, Lansford, J.E., Alampay, L.P., Al-Hassan, S., Banchini, D., Bombi, A.S., Bernstein, M.H., Chang, L., Deater-Decker, K., Di Giunta, L., Dodge, K.A., Oburu, P., Pastorali, C., Runyan, D.K., Skinner, A.T., Sorbing, E., Tapanya, S., Tirado, L.M., Zelli, A. (2018). <a href="" data-mce-href="">Associations Between Perceived Material Deprivation, Parents’ Discipline Practices, and Children’s Behavior Problems: An International Perspective</a>. <em>Child Development.</em> Advanced online publication.</p><p>Gassman-Pines, A., &amp; <strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.</strong>, (2018). Economic strain and job loss. In B. Fiese (Ed.). APA Handbook of Contemporary Family Psychology (Vol. 2).&nbsp;Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A., Schönmoser, C. &amp; Frembs, L. (2018).
<a href="" data-mce-href="../Portals/13/LIfBi%20Working%20Papers/WP_LXXX.pdf">Sociodemographic inequalities in education over the life course: An interdisciplinary review</a>. LIfBi Working Paper No. 80. Bamberg, Germany: Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.</p><div class="column"><div class="page" title="Page 2"><div class="section"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.</strong>, Gassman-Pines, A., &amp; Hill, Z. (2017). <a href="" data-mce-href="">Use of informal safety nets during the SNAP benefit cycle: How poor families cope with within-month economic instability</a>. <em>Social Service Review</em>, 91(3): 456-487.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="column"><div class="page" title="Page 2"><div class="section"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><strong>Schenck-Fontaine, A.,</strong> Gassman-Pines, A., Gibson-Davis, C.M., &amp; Ananat, E.O. (2017). <a href="" data-mce-href="">Local Job Losses and Child Maltreatment: The Importance of Community Context</a>.&nbsp;<em>Social Service Review</em>, 91(2): 233-263.</p><p>Hamoudi, A., Murray, D.W., Sorensen, L., <strong>Fontaine, A.</strong> (2015). <a href="" data-mce-href="">Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress: A Review of Ecological, Biological, and Developmental Studies of Self-Regulation and Stress</a>. OPRE Report No. 2015-30. Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
Selected Presentations
<p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2018). “Associations Between Perceived Material Deprivation, Parents’ Discipline Practices, and Children’s Mental Health: AnInternational Perspective.” Population Association of America, Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2018). “Inequality in Early Language Development: Evidence from a French Birth Cohort.” European Population Conference. Brussels, Belgium.</p><p>Schneider, W. &amp; Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2018). “Growing Up Unequal: Objective and Subjective Inequality in the Lives of Children” Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Conference. Milan, Italy.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2017). “Family Violence in Times of Economic Recession: Risk Factors and Policy Gaps.” Association for Public Policy Analysis &amp; Management, Annual Research Conference. Chicago, IL.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. &amp; Panico, L. (2017). “The Experience of Poverty: Subjective financial stress and harsh parenting.” Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies Annual Conference. Stirling, Scotland.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2017). “Does parents’ psychological experience of economic conditions matter for child maltreatment risk? An exploration in nine countries.” Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting. Austin, TX.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. &amp; Gassman-Pines, A. (2016). “With a Little Help from My Friends: Informal Support Throughout the Monthly Food Stamp Cycle.” Association&nbsp;for Public Policy Analysis &amp; Management, Annual Research Conference. Washington, DC.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. (2016). “The Impact of Economic Downturns on Families and the Buffering Role of Welfare Policies.” Association for Public Policy Analysis &amp; Management, International Conference. London, UK.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A., Gassman-Pines, A., Gibson-Davis, C.M., &amp; Ananat, E.O. (2016). “Effects of Local Job Losses on Child Maltreatment Injuries and Investigations.” Population Association of America, Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A., Gassman-Pines, A., Gibson-Davis, C.M., &amp; Ananat, E.O. (2015). “Effects of Local Job Losses on Child Maltreatment Injuries and&nbsp;Investigations.” Association for Public Policy Analysis &amp; Management, Annual Research Conference. Miami, FL.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A. &amp; Gassman-Pines, A. (2015). “The Monthly Food Stamp Cycle: How Does SNAP Policy Design Affect Food Insecurity?” Association for Public Policy Analysis &amp; Management, Annual Research Conference. (Poster). Miami, FL.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A., Gassman-Pines, A., Gibson-Davis, C.M., &amp; Ananat, E.O. (2015). “Effects of Local Job Losses on the Prevalence of Maltreatment.” Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>Schenck-Fontaine, A., Gassman-Pines, A., Gibson-Davis, C.M., &amp; Ananat, E.O. (2014). “Effects of Local Job Losses on the Prevalence of Maltreatment.” New&nbsp;Conceptualizations in the Study of Parenting-At-Risk, Society for Research on Child Development Special Topics Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p>