Selected Publications
<p>Ebralidze, Ellen (2012): <em>Rising employment flexibility and young workers’ economic insecurity. A comparative analysis of the Danish model of flexicurity.</em> Opladen, Farmington Hills: Budrich UniPress.</p><p>Ebralidze, E. (2011): Labor market regulation and perceived job insecurities in the early career. Do Danish employees worry less? In: Blossfeld, H.-P., Hofäcker D., Bertolini, S. (Eds.): <em>Youth on Globalised Labour Markets: Rising Uncertainty and its Effects on Early Employment and Family Lives in Europe.</em> (pp. 93–120). Opladen, Farmington Hills: Budrich.</p><p>Ebralidze, E., Leth-Sørensen, S. (2008): Weaker entries – lower risk of unemployment: labor market entry trends in Denmark between 1981 and 2003. In: Blossfeld, H.P., Buchholz, S., Bukodi, E., Kurz, K. (Eds): <em>Young Workers, Globalization and the Labor Market. Comparing Early Working Life in Eleven Countries.</em> (pp. 259–286). Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.</p><p>Bukodi, E., Schmelzer, P., Ebralidze, E., Blossfeld, H.P. (2008): Struggling to become an insider: does increasing flexibility at labor market entry affect early careers? In: Blossfeld, H.P., Buchholz, S., Bukodi, E., Kurz, K. (Eds): <em>Young Workers, Globalization and the Labor Market. Comparing Early Working Life in Eleven Countries.</em> (pp. 3–28). Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.</p>
Selected Presentations
<p>Ebralidze, E. and Hoenig, K. (2017, July). <em>Practices and Challenges of Cognitive Pretesting for the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)</em>. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, Portugal.</p><p>Neuert, C, Ebralidze, E. and Hoenig, K. (2017, July). <em>Question Pretesting and Evaluation: Challenges and Current Practices</em>. Session conducted at the meeting of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, Portugal.</p><p>Ebralidze, E. (2007, September): <em>Flexibility, activation and the early career. Labor market entry processes in Denmark between 1981 and 2003</em>. Paper presented at the ECSR/TransEurope conference ‘Globalization, Social Inequality and the Life Course’, Groningen, The Netherlands.<br></p><p>Ebralidze, E. (2006, September): <em>The Danish answer to globalization and its effect on labor market entrants. First results on the duration of job search</em>. Paper presented at the 14th annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth, TIY, Marseille, France.</p>