==================================================== ** ** NEPS STARTING COHORT 5 - RELEASE NOTES a.k.a CHANGE LOG ** Changes and Updates for Release NEPS SC5 19.0.0 ** (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC5:19.0.0) ** ==================================================== ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 19.0.0 * ==================================================== CohortProfile | MethodsCATI: - the variables tx80130, tx80131, tx80132 in TargetMethods and tx80533 in CohortProfile with information about the linkage with administrative data from the IAB has been updated and now refers to version "NEPS-SC5-ADIAB 7521 v1" Basic: - this dataset is provided for information purposes in order to get an idea of the sample; the dataset is not suitable for analyses; please use the information in the original datasets for analyses! MethodsCATI: - previously missing values were replaced by valid values in the data; this mainly concerns variables with interviewer information: tx80301 tx80302 tx80303 tx80330 tx80331 tx80332 tx80333 tx80334 tx80335 tx80336 tx80339 pTargetCATI: - variable set on Big Five personality traits has been extended in wave 19: t66800l t66800m t66800n t66800o t66800p t66800q t66800r t66800s t66800t t66800u t66800v t66800r_g1 t66800q_g1 t66800n_g1 t66800m_g1 t66800l_g1 - variable set on motivation to change to the teaching profession has been added: tg61211 tg61221 tg61231 tg61241 tg61251 tg61212 tg61222 tg61232 tg61242 tg61252 tg61213 tg61223 tg61233 tg61243 tg61253 - generation status variable regarding migration has been revised: variable t400500_g1 ("generation status of immigrants and their descendants") and its variant t400500_g1v1 were revised because the grandparent origin information was not correctly assigned since version 18.0.0 of the Scientific Use File; the revision resulted in corrections for 197 cases that were previously assigned to a wrong status within the generation 2.x category values of the variables t4052*0_g2 ("Country of birth of grandparents (categorized)") were modified for those cases in which the variable t405200 (“Grandparent born abroad and moved to Germany after 1950") is coded with 2 ("no"); the autofill function "Country of birth of grandparents = Germany" is now only applied to the parent born in Germany; this adjustment has no effect on other variables pTargetCAWI: - variable set on teachers - technology-related competence has been added: tg85111 tg85112 tg85113 tg851114 tg85115 tg85116 tg85117 - variable set on teachers - consequences of use of digital media has been added: tg87111 tg87211 tg87112 tg87212 tg87113 tg87213 tg87114 tg87214 tg87115 tg87116 - variable set on teachers - promotion of IT skills has been added: tg86111 tg86112 tg86113 tg86114 tg86115 tg86116 tg86117 - variable set on values of children (VOC) has been added: tg2940a tg2941a tg2942a tg2943a tg2940b tg2941b tg2943b tg2940c tg2941c tg2943c tg2944a tg2945a tg2946a tg2944b tg2946b tg2944c tg2946c - missing information in the variables regarding screen resolution for online devices has been replaced with valid information: tg59110_g2 tg59110_g3 xTargetCompetencies: - some variables were renamed to conform to the general NEPS conventions for naming competency variables ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 18.0.0 * ==================================================== General: - the variables tx80130, tx80131, tx80132 in TargetMethods and tx80533 in CohortProfile with information about the linkage with administrative data from the IAB has been updated and now refers to version "NEPS-SC5-ADIAB 7520 v1" Episode data: - all missing values "-29 = value from the last sub-episode" in episode/spell data files have been replaced by the respective value; the data now also contains information that was not asked directly from the respondent but was necessary for the interview and filtering control; these values thus represent the last known value and can be used to track the filtering Deletion of variables: - some variables were completely filtered during data collection for Starting Cohort 5, so these variables did not contain any valid information in the Scientific Use File; therefore, the following variables were removed in this release: * pTargetCATI: tf13301, tf13302, tf13303, tf13304, tf13305, tf13306_O, tf13307, ts13288 * spVocPrep: ts13104, ts13105_g1, ts13105_g2R, ts13105_g3R, ts13105_g4R, ts13202, ts13203, ts13204, ts13205, ts13206, ts13207, ts13208, ts13209, ts13210, ts13211, ts13212, ts13213, ts13214, ts13215, ts13281, ts13282, ts13285, ts13286, ts13287, ts13289, ts13290, ts13291, ts13292, ts13293, ts13294, ts13295, ts13296, ts13297, ts13298, ts13299 * xTargetCORONA: tm00033, tm00034, tm00035, tm00036, tm00037, tm00038, tm00039, tm00040_O, tm00054, tm00055, tm00060, tm00061, tm00062, tm00063, tm00064, tm00065, tm00066, tm00067, tm00068, tm00069, tm00070, tm00071_O, tm00072, tm00073, tm00074, tm00075, tm00076 ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 17.0.0 * ==================================================== xTargetCORONA: - the dataset pTargetCORONA has been renamed into xTargetCORONA to indicate its cross-sectional nature, as no further information is added from other waves pTargetCAWI: - the variable name tg69225 has been corrected to tg69725 ("T - structure (class management): monitoring 5") xInstitution/spVocTrain/StudyStates: - the type of university within ID_i has been harmonized between these datasets; corrections were made to some of the information provided by the respondents on the university type after critical checking MethodsCATI: - data on interviewer characterics have been added for wave 16 ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 16.0.0 * ==================================================== General: - the variable disagint in spell datasets has been extended by revoked episodes in the check module - generated date variables (*12m/y_g1, *11m/y_g1) were removed from spell datasets - renaming of the date variables intd intm inty according to the naming in SC3 and SC4 (tx8600d/m/y) - information from CATI/spVocTrain and CAWI may differ and have inconsistencies in the data due to the survey mode spVocBreaks: - added as new dataset to the Scientific Use File >> information on career breaks have been extracted from the spVocTrain dataset >> break episodes were reshaped to the long format >> break episodes were cleaned, i.e. small gaps were closed and breaks within breaks removed StudyStates: - new variables added (including CAWI information) >> Type of higher education institution (CATI/spVocTrain): tx92401 tx92402 >> Type of higher education institution (CAWI): tx92403 >> Status of the course of study (CAWI): tx24101 >> Higher education institution ID (CAWI): tx24013 >> Highest vocational qualification (CAWI): tx15316 ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 15.0.0 * ==================================================== General: - all variables related to the date of data collection (i.e. when the competency tests and CATI interviews took place) have been updated and are now centrally stored in the CohortProfile dataset; the variables intd, intm and inty have been removed from all other datasets - supplemental meta information on several auxiliary variables was added - one duplicate case was removed from the data StudyStates: - newly generated dataset on states, breaks and changes of tertiary education added - PLEASE NOTE: certain state parameters of persons are not yet completely plausibilized! - the dataset includes the variable tx24000 as indicator for the use of data from respondents with fewer than two simultaneous episodes in a wave (this excludes 641 persons); multiple episodes in waves cause problems in generating states, subject changes, study breaks, etc. pTargetCATI: - the versionized variable t514008_v1 was added for wave 7; all respondents were asked in wave 7 about their satisfaction with the course of studies - regardless of whether they were actually studying at the time; for this reason, non-students were requested via interviewer instruction to select the "does not apply" button; from wave 9, the question was filtered out for non-students and the interviewer instruction was removed - job-related information on social capital was inadvertently implemented in the wave 15 survey; these items were removed from the instrument during the field phase; the corresponding variables are not part of the SUF: t324110 t32411k t32411l t32411m t32411o t32411p t32411q t32411n t32411r t32411s t32411b t32411d t32411e t32411c t325110 t32511k t32511l t32511m t32511o t32511p t32511q t32511n t32511r t32511s t32511b t32511d t32511e t32511c - the variable t515039_g1 "Job characteristics: episode number of employment episode" was generated for wave 15 to merge information from the dataset spEmp with information on job characteristics in the dataset pTargetCATI pTargetCORONA: - PLEASE NOTE: information on satisfaction with course of study, school or apprenticeship (variable t514010) is also available for those respondents who previously indicated that they were employed, although the response option "does not apply" was available; in these cases, it is unclear what respondents were referring to with their response, so the variable should - depending on the research question - be treated with caution - PLEASE NOTE: information on satisfaction with work (variable t514009) is also available for those respondents who previously indicated that they were studying, doing vocational training, or doing nothing; although the response option "does not apply" was available; in these cases, it is unclear what respondents were referring to with their response, so the variable should - depending on the research question - be treated with caution - the dataset also includes information on health limitations (variable t521055); some respondents indicated very severe or severe limitations while answering that they were in good or very good physical and mental health; in these cases, it is unclear how the respondents interpreted the question about limitations in daily activities spPartner: - the generated variables ts31226_g1 to ts31226_g16 "Partner: Profession" were edited if the partner's profession has not changed since the last interview (th32369 == 1), the code -29 "Value from the last sub-episode" was assigned ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 14.1.0 * ==================================================== pTargetCORONA: - new data set with information from the additional online survey in May 2020 on issues related to the corona pandemic integrated pTargetCATI - values in variables t751004_g* (Country of residence) for waves 12 and 13 added ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 14.0.0 * ==================================================== General remarks: - several variables were provided with additional meta-information CohortProfile: - based on consistency checks over time, a few adjustments were made to the identification variable ID_i MethodsCAWI: - new variables were added to the dataset (tx80102, tx80103, tx80210, tx80310) - the rows for waves 6 and 8, which were erroneously added in the previous SUF release, were removed pTargetCATI: - versioned variables were added due to a change in the composition of the item battery in the survey instrument (tg51101_v1, tg51102_v1, tg51103_v1, tg51104_v1, tg51108_v1, tg51109_v1, tg51110_v1, tg51111_v1, tg51112_v1, tg51113_v1, tg51114_v1, tg51115_v1, tg51116_v1, tg51117_v1, tg51118_v1) spPartner: - the variable ts31410 was corrected xEcoCAPI: - plausible values for the competency data were added xPlausibleValues: - a new dataset was integrated into this SUF release for the first time; xPlausibleValues contains plausible values for selected competency data from xTargetCompetencies ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 13.0.0 * ==================================================== * Known Issues * MethodsCAWI: - waves 6 and 8 were erroneously added to the MethodsCAWI dataset; the corresponding rows contain no data; these waves should be dropped General remarks: - some versionized variables were removed, some versionized variables were newly introduced - a few variables from the interview intro were reintegrated into the Scientific Use File - several variables were provided with additional meta-information - some variable labels were adjusted Cohort Profile: - checks and adjustments regarding the plausibility and smoothing of ID_i were carried out EditionsBackup: - this new dataset has been incorporated into the Scientific Use File since version 12.0.0; it contains raw values before data edition (for more details see the Data Manual) spVocTrain: - variable t724401 ("Grades of academic degrees") has been deleted; the information is now included in variable ts15265 which concerns vocational qualification grades - variable ts15219_g1 has been deleted due to redundancy; the information is already provided in variable ts15219 ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 12.0.0 * ==================================================== General remarks: - for several variables, information from the respective _v variables was integrated into the corresponding variables without _v suffix; the respective _v variables were deleted - variables from the interview intro were droppped, except for intro variables in files spChild and spPartner pTargetCATI: - variable tg24201_g1, tg24202_g2 and tg02001_ha were generated to provide detailed information on teaching degrees gathered in wave 1; further information will soon be available in the Data Manual ("Teacher Education Students and Teachers") - the variable tg12001_g2 was generated to provide missing information about the desired subject for target respondents who claim to be studying their desired subject; therefore, it combines information from the variables tg04001 and tg12003 pTargetCAWI: - for several variables open answers were (subsequently) coded into numerical information spEmp: - variable tg2608a "student or other occupation" has been renamed to ts23256 to match the correspondent variable in other NEPS starting cohorts spChild: - the variable ts33204_g1 was generated to provide information on the status of the child; accordingly, the category "Other child in the household" was added spSchoolExtExam: - additional information on external examinations from wave 1 and 3 was gathered from file spSchool spVocExtExam: - additional information on external examinations from wave 1 and 3 was gathered from file spVocTrain spVocPrep: - variable ts13101 "Intro Career preparation" has been deleted by mistake; please use the information on the program type for waves 1 and 3 from earlier SUF releases; the bug will be corrected with the next SUF release spVocTrain: - the variables tg24162_g1, tg24165_g1, and tg24168_g1 were generated to provide information about major or minor subjects for each subspell of an episode; further information is available in the Data Manual ("Service Variables") - the variable ts15221_g1 was generated to provide (revised) information on the intended occupational qualification for all target respondents and for all subspells of an episode; further information is available in the Data Manual ("Service Variables") - service variables with information on subject of studies (tg2417*) were revised - information on external examinations from wave 1 and 3 was removed and integrated into the file spVocExtExam - the variable tg01003_ha has been edited and now excludes administrative and business academies ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 11.0.0 * ==================================================== General remarks: - several variables surveyed have been renamed to *_v1 and *_v2 in prior releases; this has been improved by renaming some variables with suffix _v1 to variable names without suffixes and some variables with suffix _v2 to suffix _v1; a detailed list and comparison of _v1 variables can be found in the Data Manual (Appendix A.3). CohortProfile: - testy testm testd erroneously coded to -56 for testing data in wave 7 have now been coded with correct dates pTargetCAWI: - there have been changes during the field phase regarding interviewer instructions in variable "tg51001"; the new indicator variable "Version_tg51001" contains information about the version of the survey instrument MethodsCAWI: - a new data file including para data from the CAWI interviews has been added ==================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 10.0.0 * ==================================================== General remarks: - several variables surveyed prior to wave 10 have been renamed to *_v1 and *_v2, as wording of question texts has changed in recent survey instruments CohortProfile: - testy testm testd erroneously had been coded to -56 even though tx80522==1; this has been fixed - new indicator variable tx80121 has been introduced: subsample "students of economics" - tx80921 has been revised xEcoCAPI: - new dataset featuring items from CAPI-shortquestionaire, economics-competency-test and the corresponding methods data that has been administered to students of economics in wave 7; all of these data has been removed from pTargetCATI, xTargetcompetencies, and MethodsCompetencies, respectively, for this subsample =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 9.0.0 * =================================================== pTargetCATI: - ts15911 (highest degree obtained) was falsely programmed in wave 9. Therefore ts15911_g1 was generated for all participants. spVocTrain: - original variables tg2416* (subjects) were edited due to discrepancies between subspells. Subsequently, subjects are filled for the first explicit mention only. Missing information was labeled accordingly. Working with service variables is recommended. - service variables tg2417* (subjects) have been revised so that each subspell of a corresponding spell is now filled with the first information available, still variables tg24170_g1-_g5, tg24173_g1-_g5 and tg24176_g1-_g5 provide complete information for all study episodes. - ts15221 (qualification sought) was falsely derived in some cases. Therefore, ts15221_g1 was generated for the affected episodes =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 8.0.0 * =================================================== General remarks on harmonization of variables concering subjects, type of university and type of vocational training program: - harmonization of type of university-variable: tg01003_g1(pTargetCATI) >> tg01003_ha (spVocTrain, considering values of ts15201) - harmonized service variables on subjects: tg24160_g*, tg24163_g*, tg24166_g* (spVocTrain) >> tg24170_g*, tg24173_g*, tg24176_g* in spVocTrain (considering values of tg04001_g1-5, tg04004_g1-5, tg04007_g1-5 in pTargetCATI) - harmonization provides valid values for type of university and subjects where information on study episode from winter term 2010/11 was missing - missing codes -28, -29 were introduced in the original variables tg24160_g*, tg24163_g*, tg24166_g*, tg01003_g1, ts15201 CohortProfile: - tx80951 indicates the participation status for students of economics in wave 7. Besides CATI survey and competency testing, these students had also the possibility of taking parting in a short CAPI questionaire as well. pTargetCATI: - the concept of reflecting migrational background in NEPS SUFs has been improved in order to also represent migrants in 3.75th generation; thus, the older variables on migrational background [t400500_g1,t400500_g2,t400500_g3] in the pTargetCATI dataset have been renamed using the "v1" suffix [t400500_g1v1,t400500_g2v1,t400500_g3v1], and the new ones have been introduced - variables of students of economics who took part in a short CAPI questionaire were added to pTargetCATI spVocTrain: - service variables tg2417* (subjects) and tg01003_ha (type of university)* were introduced to simplify working with the dataset. Small discrepancies from the original variables (tg2416*) cannot be ruled out and have to be considered by the user. - each subspell of a corresponding spell was filled with the most recent information available, so that the variables tg24170_g1-5, tg24173_g1-5, tg24176_g1-5 provide complete information for all study episodes. =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 6.0.0 * =================================================== General: - starting with this release, all NEPS Scientific Use Files will ship with an additional, unicode-enabled Stata data set version; this version is only readable in Stata version 14 or younger, and is placed in the subdirectory "Stata14" - translation for all meta data (variable and value labels, question texts, etc) have been revised and completed - meta data for all variables have been revised and updated where appropriate - additional waves 5 (CAWI) and 6 (CATI/CAPI) have been incorporated into the data - the subspell harmonization routine in all spell datasets ("sp*") has been updated, leading to more accurate harmonized subspell information (subspell==0) for panel continuation spells - staff from NEPS stage 7 at the DZHW excessively reviewed and overworked all syntax for generated tg*-variables, which may lead to slightly different contents - staff from NEPS stage 7 at the DZHW reviewed the cohorts' sample frame in consultation with NEPS methods department, leading to 3 observations removed from the SUF - all datasets from version 4.0.0 did not reflect the correct doi in their dataset labels; the correct doi would have been "10.5157/NEPS:SC5:4.0.0", not "none"; this issue has been fixed and all datasets of version 6.0.0 correctly are labeled with doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC5:6.0.0 xTargetCompetencies: - all variables of domains "maths" and "reading" erroneously contained the missing value -54 ("missing by design") in versions 4.0.0 and 3.1.0; as there were no additional competency assessments in wave 4, it was safe to use the xTargetCompetencies dataset file from version 3.0.0 instead without missing any information; this has been fixed pTargetCATI: - variables "Specialized fair/congress: professional/personal reasons" [t272802_w1] and "Specialized fair/congress: Learned something new" [t272802_w1] as well as the corresponding variables for "Lectures" [t272802_w2,t272802_w2] and "Self-instruction programs" [t272802_w3,t272802_w3] in version 4.0.0 and earlier erroneously are not filled for all interviewees reporting the specific further education activity; this has been fixed - variable names of variables "Father's mother: Country of birth" [t405240*] and "Mother's father: Country of birth" [t405230*] in dataset pTargetCATI erronneously had been flipped in version 4.0.0, also leading to slight inconsistencies in generated variables for migrational background; this has been fixed spChild: - all wide variables documenting cohabitation (*_w*) in version 4.0.0 and earlier with the focal child have been extracted and are now saved in the separate dataset "spChildCohab" spChildCohab: - new dataset containing chidl cohabitation spells that formerly had been saved in wide format inside of spChild spEmp: - version 4.0.0 and earlier did not contain coded occupational information for studentical employment episodes reported in wave 1; this has been fixed Biography: - additional spells of type "data edition gap" have been inserted to fill gaps between (a) the eighth birth day and the first reported episode and (b) the most recently reported episode and the most recent interview date =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 4.0.0 * =================================================== General: - full translations have been added - wave 4 (online survey in semester 5) has been added - several minor bug fixes to data edition scripts have been introduced pTargetCATI: - when generating variable "Global self-esteem" [t66003a_g1] in the pTargetCATI dataset, variable "Global self-esteem: competence" [t66003d] erroneously had been ignored; this has been fixed; t66003a_g1 can be re-generated in 3.1.0 using the following Stata syntax: * -------------------------BEGIN Stata------------------------------- local target_variable t66003a_g1 nepsmiss t66003a t66003b t66003c t66003d t66003e t66003f t66003g t66003h t66003i t66003j tempvar t66003b_r t66003e_r t66003f_r t66003h_r t66003i_r rowmissings recode t66003b (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003b_r') recode t66003e (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003e_r') recode t66003f (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003f_r') recode t66003h (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003h_r') recode t66003i (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1), generate(`t66003i_r') egen `rowmissings'=rowmiss(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) egen `target_variable'=rowtotal(t66003a `t66003b_r' t66003c t66003d /// `t66003e_r' `t66003f_r' t66003g `t66003h_r' `t66003i_r' t66003j) if `rowmissings'==0 & wave==3 replace `target_variable'=-54 if wave!=3 label variable `target_variable' "Global self-esteem" replace `target_variable'=-55 if missing(`target_variable') * ---------------------------END Stata-------------------------------- xTargetCAWI: - as wave 3 data makes this a panel dataset, the filename has changed from "xTargetCAWI" to "pTargetCAWI" =================================================== * Changes introduced to NEPS:SC5 by version 3.1.0 * =================================================== General: - meta data in all datasets have been revised and updated where appropriate - English translation for all datasets except xTargetCAWI have been introduced to the data - end dates in episodes neglected in the panel interview erroneously contained the interview date of the panel wave instead of the first interview's date; this has been fixed - 185 duplicate respondents have been identified by the survey institute; the redundant observations have been dropped from the data, resulting in slightly smaller number of cases pTargetCATI: - variables indicating migrational background (t400500_g1 through _g3) have been added spVocTrain: - spell integration and recommendation (via variable tx20100) was erroneous; this has been fixed - spell linkage between waves 1 and 3 was erroneous; this has been fixed spEmp: - spell linkage between waves 1 and 3 was erroneous; this has been fixed Weights: - dataset containing weighting variables has been added Basics: - dataset containing oversimplified, "flat" cross-sectional data on the cohort has been added; use for orientation, not for analyses! xInstitution: - dataset containing detailed information on the targets' institutions has been added for onsite access in Bamberg