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First international NEPS user training at the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw


On April 4, 2013, Operational Manager of the NEPS Data Center, Dr. Jan Skopek, held a user-training workshop at the Polish Educational Research Institute (IBE, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych) in Warsaw.

Due to the fact that the IBE is also conducting a study on adults, the training primarily focused on NEPS Starting Cohort 6—Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Besides a short introduction to NEPS, Dr. Jan Skopek presented the data structure of the Scientific Use File concerning Starting Cohort 6 and illustrated the potential of NEPS adult data by way of exemplary analyses. In addition to this, he gave an introduction to data privacy laws, which are a requirement for data use, to the usage of the remote access technology RemoteNEPS as well as the meta database NEPSplorer. This 1-day workshop was accompanied by very fruitful discussions as views and experiences concerning the collection of life-course data as well as their provision to the international scientific public were exchanged. Finally, the training made an important contribution to identifying potential possibilities for further cooperation between the NEPS and the IBE.